Finding Happiness, Again
While pregnant with my daughter, I constantly worried that I wouldn’t be able to love or enjoy her. I always had this nagging feeling that I was going to bring this baby into this world and not be able to give her the love that she needed because I was still grieving the loss of my son.
How will I love another baby? How will I be happy when I’ve lost so much? How will I enjoy her life when my son’s life was so short?
These were questions I asked my husband almost weekly and myself daily.
When you lose a loved one, you hear about the different stages of grief. You may think once you go through all the stages your grieving is over. But, what they don’t tell you is that you will be repeating those stages everyday for the rest of your life. I worried I would not find happiness amidst all of my grief. Boy was I wrong! The minute I heard my little girl cry and saw her beet red face, I was overcome with joy. PURE JOY!
It’s OKAY to grieve. It’s also OKAY to be happy. Your happiness now doesn’t take away the love you have for the ones you’ve lost.
So momma, I want you to grieve, but I also want you to enjoy the happiness because you deserve to be HAPPY!
Happy As A Mother.