Scared as a Mother


What is fear?

Merriam Webster defines fear as “an unpleasant, often strong emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger; anxious concern.”

If you would’ve asked me what I was scared of or what I feared the most 20 years ago, my answer would’ve been snakes and spiders.

As an adult and most importantly a mother, if you were to ask me those same questions, my question back to you would be, “what am I not afraid of?”

When we received the prognosis that our baby wouldn’t survive long after birth, I was afraid. I was afraid of what my friends and family would think. Would they blame me? After all, I was the mother. It was my job to keep this baby safe from harm.

I prayed hard every day and I chose to have faith. 

When we came home from the hospital and reality set in, I was afraid. I was afraid of losing my marriage. I was afraid of losing myself. I was afraid I would never come back from this. 

Again, I prayed and I chose to have faith.

When we found out we were expecting for the second time, I was afraid. I was afraid of being given the same fate with this baby. I was afraid to love this baby. I tried extremely hard not to get attached throughout the pregnancy. I was afraid that when this baby finally arrived, I would love her more. I would forget about my first baby. 

But again, I chose to have faith.

I hoped that there would be no more fear once my daughter was born. 

Ugh, yeah right. 

I now have a new fear everyday. 

She’s 5 months old and I wake up every night just to check and make sure she’s still breathing.

I worry about allergies every time we introduce her to a new food. I freak out with every cough. I get anxious every time someone reaches out to touch or hold her.

I worry just thinking about her growing up and getting her first skinned knee, having her heart broken, getting her license, going off to college, living in a world that is changing every minute.

I’m scared that one day she won’t need me. 

I HAVE to choose faith every day or else the rest of my life will be riddled with fear and worry. 

Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

God has a plan for my life and I choose to have faith in that.

Scared as a mother with Faith in my Father! 

One Comment


    Hallelujah. Christ is Risen. Death has no power. He has conquered death and given everlasting life. Faith over fear wins every time. Happy Easter! Love ya’ll so much. You have been blessed with a loving husband, a beautiful baby boy who lives forever in our hearts and minds, and now one of the most happy, smiling, precious little girls I think I’ve ever seen. She brought that sunshine and happiness back into your life. Heaven sent indeed to help mend your broken heart. It will never fully heal but it is being held in the hands of our Loving Father. As you put it best, you choose faith. Fear not Momma, you and God have this. <3