The Club

My husband and I joined a club about 4 years ago. A club so exclusive that no one ever talks about it.

Meetings aren’t held.

Dues aren’t paid.

New members aren’t invited.

In fact, many don’t even know this club exists until they are forced into it.

Each member’s story is unique, but tragic all the same. We grieve differently. Heal differently. Live our lives differently.

And when new members are forced in, we don’t tell them how to navigate this new normal. (Because quite frankly, there is no easy or correct way.) We really don’t tell them anything.

But with one look or embrace, they know.

They know there is someone else out there who has stood where they are now.

There is someone out there who fought hard to survive – who is still fighting hard to survive every. single. day.

And although we don’t say much, we pray hard and we love hard for each other. Because those are the only two things that can ease the gut wrenching pain.

The pain of losing a child.